Who is eduGAIN for?
Identity federations
- Join the eduGAIN service as it enables you to interconnect with other federations
- Lean on eduGAIN trustworthy service – enables secure exchange of federation information
- Enable you to provide more services for your users available through other federations
- Gain in time saving and lower administration costs as no need for bilateral federation agreements
Identity providers
- Join an identity federation participating in eduGAIN
- Offer more to your users – enable access to a wider range of services than are available locally or nationally
- No extra administrative burden if you are already participating in an identity federation
Users – identity holders
- Gain your federated identity from your home organisation i.e. identity provider
- Access a wider range of services than are available nationally or locally
- One digital identity for all services connected through eduGAIN
- eduGAIN is ‘invisible’ to you so you can access services without extra effort – just login and be online !
Service providers
- Join an identity federation participating in eduGAIN
- Grow your audience by making your service available to a greater number of users
- Lower costs per user – your audience grows without increasing costs for maintenance of users credentials
eduGAIN and the Community
- SURFconext and eduGAIN March 2018
- ELIXIR and GÉANT: supporting European life sciences June 2017
Live eduGAIN Statistics
Number of Federations 78Number of Identity Providers 5913
Number of Service Providers 3807