
In order to report potential operational security issues, security incidents, or abuse please contact:

PGP key fingerprint: 0497 8576 D7A6 3151 5401 DB98 697A 900B 7C8E 095E

Any other support request or question related to eduGAIN may be addressed to:

  NRENs and Identity Federation Operators

Contact the eduGAIN team for support and technical questions. Contact details are provided on the eduGAIN technical site.

 Identity providers and Campus IT managers

Contact your national identity federation to see how they can support you and your users. If they are already partners in the eduGAIN interfederation service, you will find them on the eduGAIN membership status page. If they are not yet members of eduGAIN, you may find them on the REFEDS map.​

  Service Provider and Research Collaborations

Contact the identity federation you participate in to see how they can support you and your users. If they are already partners in the eduGAIN interfederation service, you will find them on the eduGAIN membership status page. If they are not yet members of eduGAIN, you may find them on the REFEDS map.​

If you are an international service provider such as research collaboration or publisher, you can contact eduGAIN team for support at

  Users (researchers, teaching staff, students…)

Contact your campus or institution IT department or decision makers and ask them to find out how your local federation / NREN can support you with international online collaboration and service access.